mardi 24 mars 2015

Edward Wayne Edwards: Serial Killer

Ok. I listen to a podcast called True Murder. A good podcast. But I think the last episode I listened to was a bit to much.

You can listen to it here.

They had an author on claiming he found the killer (or criminal) behind:

Jon Bennet Ramsey

Adam Walsh

The West Memphis 3 kids

The Atlanta Child Murders

The Zodiac murders

Martha Moxley (the Kennedy nephew that was charged)

Chandra Levy

2001 Anthrax letters

Kent Heitholt (Ryan Ferguson went to prison for it)

Lacy Petersen

Anyway. This got more ridiculous as I tried to come up with a list the author claimed EWE was responsible for.

Has anyone else heard of these claims?

Here is the authors website.

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