mercredi 25 mars 2015

Yet another healer who cannot heal himself..

Like all healers who claims magic/psychic powers cannot even heal themselves. First there was William Bengston who claimed he could heal mice from cancer who could not heal himself from a heart attack:


Yes, he is doing a lot of good work out there. He is also involved with the EMU (Energy Medicine University). He apparently had a heart attack sometime last year but is back teaching again. I want to do one of his workshops as I have the feeling that some kind of resonance/entanglement is occurring only when it is transferred by him personally - similar to an attunement. There doesn't seem to be much evidence on how his workshop students do in terms of healing cancer, or any other problem.

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Now we have another healer like this who claims he has the power from god to heal,Benny Hinn who suffered the same fate:


Benny Hinn Admitted to California ICU for Heart-Related Issues

2:00PM EDT 3/23/2015 Steve Strang

Benny Hinn has was in the Intensive Care Unit this weekend. The healing evangelist suffered from shortness of breath and doctors admitted him to an Orange County, California hospital for treatment after returning exhausted from a weeklong crusade in Brazil, Charisma News has learned. However, Hinn says doctors say he'll make a full recovery.

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Its however sad that people believe in this nonsense even when they actually have no such things as "super powers".

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