Hello, I am Peter Valentino, and I want to talk to you about the Knights of Malta and their 9/11 Coup d'état. In order to catch a criminal you must first familiarize yourself with the nature of the crime. Lets get some practical facts out of the way.
The hardware required for the 9/11 New York City hit:
1. Explosives in the North Tower
2. Explosives in the South Tower
3. Explosives in Building 7
4. Nuclear demolition devices under the Twin Towers and under Building 7 placed there during their construction.
Thats it. No planes were used for the hit on the Towers. Planes were shot down on 9/11, but thats another story.
See how simple and elegant the hit is? Its very well thought out. The buildings are a loaded war trigger, just waiting to be pulled. Further, in the situation of 9/11, we have to look at what the Knights of Malta wanted to get accomplished. Since every hit is essentially an operation or a mission, we can assign a mission statement to 9/11.
The Knights of Malta 9/11 Mission
"To demolish the Twin Towers with people inside them,
in order to start a war and to take over control of the U. S. Government."
Once we see the simplicity of the hit and of what they wanted to get accomplished it's easier to spot the criminals in the maze of deception.
Based on the mission statement, the jobs fall into five important categories that I can see.
1. The demolition of the buildings.
2. Making sure there were people in them.
3. Spinning the demolition of the Towers in the media in order to sway public opinion towards war.
4. The carrying out of that war.
5. Taking over of control of the U. S. Government.
These are 5 things that the Knights of Malta were able to successfully complete. For the purposes of this brief piece, I am going to focus on the first three, because they specifically deal with New York, and 9/11 is a product of New York.
1. The Demolition of the Buildings
Our story begins with the Rockefellers, as do many tales of American treason. We must first understand that the World Trade Center was built by Knights of Malta David and Nelson Rockefeller in the late 1960s. According to Dimitri Khalesov, the Rockefellers built the Towers with nuclear devices installed beneath the buildings as a demolition scheme.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lec9giab90I Dimitri Khalesov full documentary
Here is a simple proof of the truth Mr. Khalesovs statements: In a famous PBS interview, Larry Silverstein took credit for ordering the controlled demolition of WTC-7. He stated publicly that he had ordered the building to be pulled. This makes it clear that there was a demolition system already in the building and that the buildings owner knew of its existence. The existence of the system doesnt have to be proven further, since it is obvious to any person that it was a controlled demolition of some kind and, in addition, it was admitted to by the buildings owner.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p34XrI2Fm6I Larry Silverstein pull it
Further, we can ask, Was Mr. Silversteins a complicated demolition system that had to be wired over a long period of time as is every other demolition system we have ever witnessed? No, it wasnt. Building 7 came down at 5:20 PM on 9/11. There wasnt time.
OK, so that means that the nature of the demolition system of WTC-7 was different from a common setup traditionally used for the job. It was an alternative demolition scheme since it provably doesnt conform to the principle criteria of the traditional scheme. 1. It doesnt have to be wired arduously for weeks, and 2. The building comes down faster that the traditional type, with no beams standing and it comes down more uniformly with the rubble turning largely into dust.
This means that there are now at least two types of demolition schemes in existence: the traditional kind (A) and the kind that Larry Silverstein ordered to be used on 9/11 (B). Because of Larry Silversteins cavalier attitude towards the demolition, we can tell that his variety is really no muss, no fussvery modern indeed.
Now, the Towers were subject to a demolition scheme, as well. That is equally obvious to any observer. Being that we now know of the existence of at least two demolition schemes in the world at that time, we should compare the Towers demolition to the two types we know to be in existence. We can see that the Towers collapse more closely resembles the Silverstein (B) type than the traditional (A) type.
(The differences stem from the fact that the two Towers had suffered explosions towards the top and Building 7 had not. The top part of each Tower remained virtually intact for most of its fall, pushing down and spreading the rubble created by the nuclear munition in the basement.)
Close examination of the WTC-7 collapse reveals that it is a perfect instance of a (B) type demolition. It is wholly different from the traditional manner of building collapse through demolition. The physical evidence conforms to the Khalesovs testimony. This proves that Dimitri Khalesovs nuclear scheme is the one used, unless someone puts forth yet a third possible manner of demolitionone that doesnt require pre-wiring and that fits all the visual and physical criteria. I have not yet seen any such plan that works within the laws of physics, inclusive of thermite and mini-nukes. Thermite is the icing, not the cake. If you take a little time to think about it, and you listen to Dimitri Khalesov, you will see that he is 100% correct about the nuclear devices which Knights of Malta David and Nelson Rockefeller placed under their Towers and, by logical inference, additionally under Building 7.
On 9/11, Knight of Malta David Rockefeller possessed the means to demolish the buildings he had constructed, just as Larry Silverstein possessed the means to demolish his.
2. Making sure there were people in the Towers
The story of how the Knights of Malta were able to have people in the buildings for their demolition on 9/11, begins well before that day when Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani decided to make sure that the New York City Fire Department had defective radios.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaCYEEO-58I Rudy Giuliani, Urban Legend
Rudy Giuliani also ensured that there would be no Office of Emergency Management, or OEM, on 9/11 by choosing to place his tactical response unit in the exact place which was demolished. This aided Giulianis cause by severely reducing communication amongst emergency workers.
On 9/11, Giuliani never even visited his OEM. Building 7 was mostly evacuated by 9:00 AM, even before the South Tower explosion. This then put him out on the street, which was a totally theatrical move and had no bearing on actual leadership. All of Rudy Giulianis actions on 9/11 were to justify what happened to the firefighters and police by making it seem that he, too, was a victim of the attacks. He is stating that, I am one of you. He was unable to fool the firemen who survived, however, with this charade. The firemen were the perfect and intended victims of the hit. We went to war largely to avenge their deaths.
Even though as a city leader he was totally ineffective on 9/11, as a Knight of Malta, Rudy Giuliani was very successful. This is why he was Knighted by fellow Knight of Malta Queen Elizabeth for doing his duties to the Pope so well.
It is interesting that Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani was aided in making the choice of the location for his OEM by his friend Larry Silverstein, who gave generously to Giulianis election. Larry Silverstein leased a space to New York City for the Office of Emergency Management that he knew he had the means to destroy with his demolition system.
3. Spinning the demolition of the Towers in the media in order to sway public opinion towards war
Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer went on NBC on 9/11 at 12:46 PM, just over two hours after the North Tower fell. He was not in the U. S. Government at the time, but Bremer mentions the government job that he held two and a half years earlier, the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. As a Knight of Malta, Bremers job is to set up the American mind for war. Bremer essentially declares war on Islam and pushes the idea of state sponsored terrorism. He mentions Al Qaeda, Iran and Iraq as possible targets.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2pW6WZhZrQ L. Paul Bremer on NBC, 9/11
At the time of the interview, his offices in each of the Twin Towers had just been demolished but he makes no mention of this fact, nor does he have any of the emotional signs associated with grief or loss. Additionally, the plane-shaped explosions in the North Tower went off in the offices of Marsh and McLennan, where Bremer worked.
Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer was a long-time assistant of Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger, and had been managing director of Kissinger Associates. Bremer sticks his neck out more than any of the other of the Knights of Malta because he is the lead man on the sales end and his lie is quite obvious. L. Paul Bremer was given the governorship of the conquered country of Iraq as a prize for his actions on 9/11.
Later, at 1:58 PM on 9/11, Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger went on CNN and also stated what we should do about the attacks. He too was not in the government at the time, yet he reiterated Bremers idea that this was state sponsored terrorism and that it meant war. You have to realize that here you are listening to somebody who has worked for Knight of Malta David Rockefeller, the builder of the Towers, ostensibly since 1959. This alone is highly suspicious behavior.
Knights of Malta Bremer and Kissinger both really seem to know a lot about the cause of the hit. Their basic keywords are state sponsored terrorism, and this becomes the mantra for the War on Terror.
It's also interesting to note that the Knights of Malta organization we call the CIA is known to have created Al Qaeda. Kissinger is himself a CIA man, so he knows this. Additionally, Rockefellers stooge Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a big part of creating this database of terrorists initially to fight against Russia in Afghanistan. Brzezinski will openly take credit for this. So if Rockefeller man Zbigniew Brzezinski created the Al Qaeda terrorist system, do you think it's possible that Rockefeller man Henry Kissinger doesn't know about it? So when Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger goes on CNN talking about what to do about Knight of Malta David Rockefeller's buildings, he is in full knowledge of the terrorist cells which were created by his cronies as scapegoats for the events of 9/11.
An Additional Player
Another very valuable Knight of Malta who did a lot to make the whole event work, is Michael Chertoff. He aided with the coverup from inside the Justice Department and did so much to clamp down on the rights of Americans. As Secretary of the newly formed Homeland Security Department, Knight of Malta Michael Chertof continued his work to remove much of the Bill of Rights and due process.
These are the main Knights of Malta I charge with 9/11:
1. Knight of Malta David Rockefeller
2. Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger
3. Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer
4. Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani,
5. Knight of Malta Michael Chertoff,
6. Knight of Malta George H. W. Bush and
7. Knight of Malta George W. Bush
These are the primary men who did 9/11, and they are all still alive. If you look into it, you'll see that everything I have said is true. This is simply history. I want to make the Knights of Malta famous for their accomplishments on 9/11. I want the Knights of Malta to be a household word, so that the American people know who rules them. The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope. The U. S. is now a vassal state to the Vatican Nation.
Lets you and I do something about that.
Thank you,
Peter Valentino.
Producer of PAPAMUNDI and the 9/11 Mechanism, now at Amazon http://amzn.to/1KfdTEU
see the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA_qU7xt-YM
The Knights of Malta 9/11 Coup d'état: An Impolite Truth, on YouTube
The hardware required for the 9/11 New York City hit:
1. Explosives in the North Tower
2. Explosives in the South Tower
3. Explosives in Building 7
4. Nuclear demolition devices under the Twin Towers and under Building 7 placed there during their construction.
Thats it. No planes were used for the hit on the Towers. Planes were shot down on 9/11, but thats another story.
See how simple and elegant the hit is? Its very well thought out. The buildings are a loaded war trigger, just waiting to be pulled. Further, in the situation of 9/11, we have to look at what the Knights of Malta wanted to get accomplished. Since every hit is essentially an operation or a mission, we can assign a mission statement to 9/11.
The Knights of Malta 9/11 Mission
"To demolish the Twin Towers with people inside them,
in order to start a war and to take over control of the U. S. Government."
Once we see the simplicity of the hit and of what they wanted to get accomplished it's easier to spot the criminals in the maze of deception.
Based on the mission statement, the jobs fall into five important categories that I can see.
1. The demolition of the buildings.
2. Making sure there were people in them.
3. Spinning the demolition of the Towers in the media in order to sway public opinion towards war.
4. The carrying out of that war.
5. Taking over of control of the U. S. Government.
These are 5 things that the Knights of Malta were able to successfully complete. For the purposes of this brief piece, I am going to focus on the first three, because they specifically deal with New York, and 9/11 is a product of New York.
1. The Demolition of the Buildings
Our story begins with the Rockefellers, as do many tales of American treason. We must first understand that the World Trade Center was built by Knights of Malta David and Nelson Rockefeller in the late 1960s. According to Dimitri Khalesov, the Rockefellers built the Towers with nuclear devices installed beneath the buildings as a demolition scheme.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lec9giab90I Dimitri Khalesov full documentary
Here is a simple proof of the truth Mr. Khalesovs statements: In a famous PBS interview, Larry Silverstein took credit for ordering the controlled demolition of WTC-7. He stated publicly that he had ordered the building to be pulled. This makes it clear that there was a demolition system already in the building and that the buildings owner knew of its existence. The existence of the system doesnt have to be proven further, since it is obvious to any person that it was a controlled demolition of some kind and, in addition, it was admitted to by the buildings owner.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p34XrI2Fm6I Larry Silverstein pull it
Further, we can ask, Was Mr. Silversteins a complicated demolition system that had to be wired over a long period of time as is every other demolition system we have ever witnessed? No, it wasnt. Building 7 came down at 5:20 PM on 9/11. There wasnt time.
OK, so that means that the nature of the demolition system of WTC-7 was different from a common setup traditionally used for the job. It was an alternative demolition scheme since it provably doesnt conform to the principle criteria of the traditional scheme. 1. It doesnt have to be wired arduously for weeks, and 2. The building comes down faster that the traditional type, with no beams standing and it comes down more uniformly with the rubble turning largely into dust.
This means that there are now at least two types of demolition schemes in existence: the traditional kind (A) and the kind that Larry Silverstein ordered to be used on 9/11 (B). Because of Larry Silversteins cavalier attitude towards the demolition, we can tell that his variety is really no muss, no fussvery modern indeed.
Now, the Towers were subject to a demolition scheme, as well. That is equally obvious to any observer. Being that we now know of the existence of at least two demolition schemes in the world at that time, we should compare the Towers demolition to the two types we know to be in existence. We can see that the Towers collapse more closely resembles the Silverstein (B) type than the traditional (A) type.
(The differences stem from the fact that the two Towers had suffered explosions towards the top and Building 7 had not. The top part of each Tower remained virtually intact for most of its fall, pushing down and spreading the rubble created by the nuclear munition in the basement.)
Close examination of the WTC-7 collapse reveals that it is a perfect instance of a (B) type demolition. It is wholly different from the traditional manner of building collapse through demolition. The physical evidence conforms to the Khalesovs testimony. This proves that Dimitri Khalesovs nuclear scheme is the one used, unless someone puts forth yet a third possible manner of demolitionone that doesnt require pre-wiring and that fits all the visual and physical criteria. I have not yet seen any such plan that works within the laws of physics, inclusive of thermite and mini-nukes. Thermite is the icing, not the cake. If you take a little time to think about it, and you listen to Dimitri Khalesov, you will see that he is 100% correct about the nuclear devices which Knights of Malta David and Nelson Rockefeller placed under their Towers and, by logical inference, additionally under Building 7.
On 9/11, Knight of Malta David Rockefeller possessed the means to demolish the buildings he had constructed, just as Larry Silverstein possessed the means to demolish his.
2. Making sure there were people in the Towers
The story of how the Knights of Malta were able to have people in the buildings for their demolition on 9/11, begins well before that day when Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani decided to make sure that the New York City Fire Department had defective radios.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaCYEEO-58I Rudy Giuliani, Urban Legend
Rudy Giuliani also ensured that there would be no Office of Emergency Management, or OEM, on 9/11 by choosing to place his tactical response unit in the exact place which was demolished. This aided Giulianis cause by severely reducing communication amongst emergency workers.
On 9/11, Giuliani never even visited his OEM. Building 7 was mostly evacuated by 9:00 AM, even before the South Tower explosion. This then put him out on the street, which was a totally theatrical move and had no bearing on actual leadership. All of Rudy Giulianis actions on 9/11 were to justify what happened to the firefighters and police by making it seem that he, too, was a victim of the attacks. He is stating that, I am one of you. He was unable to fool the firemen who survived, however, with this charade. The firemen were the perfect and intended victims of the hit. We went to war largely to avenge their deaths.
Even though as a city leader he was totally ineffective on 9/11, as a Knight of Malta, Rudy Giuliani was very successful. This is why he was Knighted by fellow Knight of Malta Queen Elizabeth for doing his duties to the Pope so well.
It is interesting that Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani was aided in making the choice of the location for his OEM by his friend Larry Silverstein, who gave generously to Giulianis election. Larry Silverstein leased a space to New York City for the Office of Emergency Management that he knew he had the means to destroy with his demolition system.
3. Spinning the demolition of the Towers in the media in order to sway public opinion towards war
Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer went on NBC on 9/11 at 12:46 PM, just over two hours after the North Tower fell. He was not in the U. S. Government at the time, but Bremer mentions the government job that he held two and a half years earlier, the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. As a Knight of Malta, Bremers job is to set up the American mind for war. Bremer essentially declares war on Islam and pushes the idea of state sponsored terrorism. He mentions Al Qaeda, Iran and Iraq as possible targets.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2pW6WZhZrQ L. Paul Bremer on NBC, 9/11
At the time of the interview, his offices in each of the Twin Towers had just been demolished but he makes no mention of this fact, nor does he have any of the emotional signs associated with grief or loss. Additionally, the plane-shaped explosions in the North Tower went off in the offices of Marsh and McLennan, where Bremer worked.
Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer was a long-time assistant of Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger, and had been managing director of Kissinger Associates. Bremer sticks his neck out more than any of the other of the Knights of Malta because he is the lead man on the sales end and his lie is quite obvious. L. Paul Bremer was given the governorship of the conquered country of Iraq as a prize for his actions on 9/11.
Later, at 1:58 PM on 9/11, Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger went on CNN and also stated what we should do about the attacks. He too was not in the government at the time, yet he reiterated Bremers idea that this was state sponsored terrorism and that it meant war. You have to realize that here you are listening to somebody who has worked for Knight of Malta David Rockefeller, the builder of the Towers, ostensibly since 1959. This alone is highly suspicious behavior.
Knights of Malta Bremer and Kissinger both really seem to know a lot about the cause of the hit. Their basic keywords are state sponsored terrorism, and this becomes the mantra for the War on Terror.
It's also interesting to note that the Knights of Malta organization we call the CIA is known to have created Al Qaeda. Kissinger is himself a CIA man, so he knows this. Additionally, Rockefellers stooge Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a big part of creating this database of terrorists initially to fight against Russia in Afghanistan. Brzezinski will openly take credit for this. So if Rockefeller man Zbigniew Brzezinski created the Al Qaeda terrorist system, do you think it's possible that Rockefeller man Henry Kissinger doesn't know about it? So when Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger goes on CNN talking about what to do about Knight of Malta David Rockefeller's buildings, he is in full knowledge of the terrorist cells which were created by his cronies as scapegoats for the events of 9/11.
An Additional Player
Another very valuable Knight of Malta who did a lot to make the whole event work, is Michael Chertoff. He aided with the coverup from inside the Justice Department and did so much to clamp down on the rights of Americans. As Secretary of the newly formed Homeland Security Department, Knight of Malta Michael Chertof continued his work to remove much of the Bill of Rights and due process.
These are the main Knights of Malta I charge with 9/11:
1. Knight of Malta David Rockefeller
2. Knight of Malta Henry Kissinger
3. Knight of Malta L. Paul Bremer
4. Knight of Malta Rudy Giuliani,
5. Knight of Malta Michael Chertoff,
6. Knight of Malta George H. W. Bush and
7. Knight of Malta George W. Bush
These are the primary men who did 9/11, and they are all still alive. If you look into it, you'll see that everything I have said is true. This is simply history. I want to make the Knights of Malta famous for their accomplishments on 9/11. I want the Knights of Malta to be a household word, so that the American people know who rules them. The Knights of Malta are the militia of the Pope. The U. S. is now a vassal state to the Vatican Nation.
Lets you and I do something about that.
Thank you,
Peter Valentino.
Producer of PAPAMUNDI and the 9/11 Mechanism, now at Amazon http://amzn.to/1KfdTEU
see the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA_qU7xt-YM
The Knights of Malta 9/11 Coup d'état: An Impolite Truth, on YouTube