mardi 23 février 2016

Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat commercial tests finished.

Andrea Rossi is back with his Cold Fusion claims and this time he claims this:


On February 17, 2016, a 350-day commercial test of a one megawatt heat plant based on Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat was completed. The event must be considered historic since it’s the first time an industrially useful amount of energy is produced over such a long time from this kind of yet unexplained radiation-free nuclear reaction—LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.

To be clear, the report from the one-year trial, which has been controlled by a major independent third party certification institute, will be released only in about a month, and until then no official information is provided on the test result. However, multiple sources have told me that the test has been successful.
Taken from:

Sorry that I am here extremely skeptical here and that I do not consider it a historical event because the test was done by Andrea Rossi along with his partner HEAT:


The test has been undertaken by Andrea Rossi and his US industrial partner Industrial Heat, and according to Rossi, commercialisation of similar industrial heat plants will be initiated as soon as possible, provided that the result is positive. Industrial Heat has acquired the right to produce and sell E-Cat based technology in, as far as I have been told, North, Central and South America, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Taken from:

I am posting this to know what you guys here think. I wish you a nice day.

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