jeudi 25 février 2016

Why income and wealth must be distributed better.

There was a time I was in favor of a balanced amendment and opposed stimulus programs and Unions. I considered myself conservative economically and a liberal on social issues. I'm now thoroughly convinced I have been wrong. The conservative mantra for economics is a failure. It works only for a very few and only in the short term for them.

What drives our economy is consumption not a balanced line in a ledger book. Hard to believe but we are not, not, not consuming enough. But I'm not talking about specific individuals, but the general we. We are not traveling enough, dining out enough, shopping enough.
The reason most of us are not contributing to the economy and the general welfare of our neighbors and society? We can't afford it. Our bank accounts are too small.

And the reason for that?

Simply said far too many people are either underpaid or under-employed. A large reason for why people are underpaid has been the diminishing power of unions, global economics and now the acceleration of automation.

I'm not a Luddite. Fighting technological progress is both a losing battle and in the end counter productive. What must be done, some way some how is to increase job growth and income for people who spend and will drive the economy.

The conservative mantra has always been to focus on production. Stimulate growth by encouraging investments through tax cuts. I've come to the conclusion this does not work. The reason? There is plenty of money for investment. But without more consumer spending, there are far too few opportunities to make those investments profitable.

I think that free markets work best and don't think any top down government control works very well. That said, I think the rules of our present economic system do not work very well for most of us. I'm convinced that we must modify it in some way that results in increased income for the working class and poor which I the end will be better for everyone. I have some ideas, but I really want to hear others. What do you think?

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