samedi 27 février 2016

Warren Buffett essentially calls the presidential candidates liars

Yes, that's as shocking as predicting that the Sun will come up. Unless you're the incumbent, you can't run on a "things are great!" platform.

Warren Buffett wades into presidential campaign in annual letter


OMAHA, Neb. -- The United States' economy is in better shape than the presidential candidates make it seem, investor Warren Buffett said Saturday, even though businesses like his still face challenges.

In his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Buffett didn't name specific candidates or issues, but noted that the negative drumbeat about the economy, health care reform and income inequality may get voters down about the future.

"It's an election year, and candidates can't stop speaking about our country's problems (which, of course, only they can solve)," he said, adding later, "that view is dead wrong: The babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history."

Buffett noted that there will still be economic troubles as business evolves, but that the country needs to make sure it has a solid safety net to help people who lose jobs.

"The answer in such disruptions is not the restraining or outlawing of actions that increase productivity. Americans would not be living nearly as well as we do if we had mandated that 11 million people should forever be employed in farming," he wrote.
Of course business will adapt; nobody makes buggy whips anymore. The question is, can workers adapt fast enough not to lose everything. Job training and small business loan programs are what's needed, not candidates lying about bring jobs back to the U.S. Those jobs are gone! Period! When The DonaldTM says he will bring jobs back to the U.S., he is full bore ****** lying! Of course, when isn't he?

Buffett is right that today's babies are the luckiest crop so far. There's a lot of opportunity around, you just have to find it and adapt to it. Today's babies have a chance to live far longer and more prosperously than any generation before, perhaps even one day become virtually immortal. Life for them will be what they make it.

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