mercredi 20 avril 2016


Do serious minded people really only glean their "news" from the Main Stream Media ?
Obviously not .
To do so would be like appointing criminals to be their own jury and judge .
We are all aware of how few people control the so called MSM . And only someone very trusting would believe that areas of mutual self interest amongst this small elite are not clearly but privately agreed and acted on .

Further , in a world where huge global companies have greater size and power than most States , few would not seriously believe that the power exerted by some companies -- Halliburton and Monsanto at random --- is far greater than that of most individual countries , in the G20 , for example .
So where do you look for the truth , both in alternative media and from the Dark Web ?
The link to JR suggests how we now have a dangerous new breed of Conspiracy Theorist -- those whose diet is only the MSM and who cannot see beyond the crumbling walls of the old news providing paradigm .

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