mercredi 20 avril 2016


This story has been running for a few days and I picked it up when I saw reports that all seismic info out of Yellowstone had been cut off .
Like any good narrative it has flourished and sceptics can now delight in seeing the flower in bloom .
Do let me have your usual inspired comments and let's see if we can add to the compendium of your schoolboy type remarks that fill me with so much love and generosity .
Yes . I do love a False Flag and these days it takes so much time spotting the feeble from the real thing .But this one has all the ingredients for a great script but a very unhappy ending .
Wave farewell , Yogi .

Yellowstone is one of the most monitored and seismically watched areas on the planet .
Several days ago thecommonsenseshow received two unusual letters from a geologist and geophysicist who is investigating increasing quake activity in the Yellowstone area, since 2011.
The context of these letters supports the idea of a potential false flag event ---- something much loved on this chat site , despite many not understanding what constitutes such a type of event ..

Below are some statements from the geologist who has signed a national security agreement which carries with it automatic prison time with no due process:
It looks like the “frackers” were experimenting, in other words, somebody was trying to assess if they could cause a series of eruptions at Yellowstone.

A former colleague who was investigating the same region said they detected electromagnetic interference. It was his feeling that a major eruption and quake could be triggered through a change in directed electronic frequencies.

The quakes in Ecuador are not natural and do not follow expected patterns. The geologist and his colleague believe they are artificially created and could be a test for what is coming to Yellowstone.

Note: The geologist’s statement that the earthquake in Ecuador is artificially created reflects our view published in our article: Violent Shaking Along The ring Of Fire, The Pacific Is Moving. whole article regarding these two letters is at: thecommonsenseshow.

Incidentally , the main body copy has been pasted with small alterations to improve American type presentation .

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