dimanche 17 avril 2016

The NWO Exposed!

They counted on no one watching Turner Classic Movies at noon on a Saturday, but I was too smart for them. And that's how I saw this:

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It starts out ominous, and then at 0:25 the curtain opens and the true horror is revealed.

Look at that angelically robed diva and all those white guys (and a few Chinese) singing their heads off about "making way for the world that is new," in front of the American flag dominating a mosaic of (diminished and subordinately positioned) other national flags. Check out those eagles on poles, and the V-for-victory banners.

It really is genuinely creepy, even in its historical context. It looks like the director said, "Hey, let's show 'em we can out-master-race the Nazis!"

(It's the final number from the movie "Thousands Cheer," 1943.)

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