dimanche 17 avril 2016

USA can't afford Medicare for All?

Many argue that we simply can't afford Medicare for All, as it would cost too much.

Well, let's look at some nations that have socialized medicine, free public college, and compare their govt. spending as % of GDP

Norway= 43.9%

Austria= 50.5%

Netherlands= 49.8%

Portugal= 49.4%

UK= 48.5%

Ireland= 48.1%

Germany= 45.4%


And how much does the USA spend as % of GDP? 41.6%

So if other nations can afford nationalized health insurance while not spending significantly more as percentage of GDP and have also have very affordable if not free public college, why the (*)(*)(*)(*) can't the USA????

The cost of course would be reduced if we paid for some of it with military spending cuts, cause we all know we spend too much on the military and maintain too many military bases around the world.

We could also require co-pays for Medicare for All, such as $15-$30 for primary care and specialist visits, and $100 for hospital visits/ambulance use.

This would make a big difference.

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