Didn't find any threads on this one. Who killed the Australian Prime Minister in 1967? Personally, I think there's a connection to Malaysian Airlines Flight 370...
CT site: http://ift.tt/1gxMmgf
Harold Holt disappeared while swimming at Cheviot Beach near Portsea , Victoria on 17 December, 1967 . His body was never recovered. Without determining the cause of Holt's death, a joint report by Commonwealth and Victoria Police, submitted in January 1968, concluded that, '... there has been no indication that the disappearance of the late Mr Holt was anything other than accidental'. The report (see copy on file A1209, 1968/8063) found that his last movements followed a routine domestic pattern, his demeanor had been normal and despite his knowledge of the beach, the turbulent conditions (high winds, rough seas and rip tides) overcame him. The explanations put forward for a failure to find the body included an attack by marine life, the body being carried out to sea by tides or becoming wedged in rock crevices. While a variety of theories have been expounded about Holt's disappearance, the Commonwealth Government did not deem a formal inquiry necessary, accepting the conclusions of the Police report. Contrary to the above, Holt was murdered, because he was opposed to American bases such as Pine Gap being built on Australian soil. Prime Minister Harold Holt was murdered late Saturday night on the 16th of December 1967 and was reported missing around midday on Sunday the 17th of December 1967 while swimming. There was no evidence to support the "official" report of Harold Holt drowning, nor was there any evidence of a Chinese submarine abducting him and of course "they" all knew this and it was 6 months after this website was up "they" then get the Victorian State Coroner to hold an inquiry into Harold Holts disappearance to have an Official finding 38 years later how Harold Holt drowned on the morning of 17th December 1967. |
CT site: http://ift.tt/1gxMmgf
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