mardi 23 août 2016

Indonesia marks Independence Day by sinking illegal ships

Indonesia marks Independence Day by sinking illegal ships

from article:


NATUNA ISLANDS, Indonesia — Indonesia marked its Independence Day on Wednesday by sinking 60 foreign ships seized for fishing illegally in the country’s waters.

Maritime and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti said the ships were sunk at eight locations across the Indonesian archipelago.

Pudjiastuti has organized the destruction of more than 200 illegal fishing boats since 2014. The government of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has taken a hardline stance against illegal fishing, partly driven by the need for Indonesia to show its neighbours, including China, that it is in control of its vast territory of 17,000 islands.
The article did not state whether or not the crew of the ships survived.

If any of the crew died, I believe that would be murder.

Why did this not get more publicity?

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