mercredi 24 août 2016

Students protest CC gun law by violating the open-carry dildo rule.

Some language NSFW
Students, alumni and spectators eagerly snatched up more than 4,500 donated dildos Tuesday evening at the University of Texas at Austin, preparing to assuage their frustration over a new state law allowing handguns to be carried on public university campuses.

Cocks Not Glocks, a protest group formed last fall, is urging students and others to openly carry the sex toys around campus, offering a multicolored counterpoint to the concealed weapons that holders of handgun licenses can now legally carry inside UT classrooms and most buildings.
Although university officials could have written a few thousand citations, they decided that it was a free speech issue and not worthy of citations.

I know another gun thread is a waste.
And Yes.
I know another stupid students perform stupid protest threads are common as well, I did it for a selfish reason. I wanted to write open-carry dildo rule in a title.

Great name for a band, though.

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