dimanche 21 août 2016

The best Trump's campaign is faked or trying to lose because of _____ conspiracy

There have been a number of conspiracies out there that Donald Trump is running a fake campaign to:
  • Help Hillary win by running a purposefully self destructive campaign. Possibly to help her win against such a weak opponent when she would have had a much harder time against a serious candidate. This includes both the sub category conspiracies that Trump was directly hired by the DNC, and that he created the hoax campaign on his own volition. Article [1], [2], [3], and more if you look, including threads here, and here.
  • Get public attention for a new reality TV show, or even his own TV station. article [1]
  • Immensely damage the GOP both by denying them the White House and poisoning the well for downwater GOP'ers. (same article as #3 of the first conspiracy), as well as this NYT article.
  • Aliens! The Clinton's used influence with some guy named John Podesta to something, something, something..... Trump and Aliens!! Aliens even hung out with him at the Iowa state fair, and might be using Trump to distract from the real wall we need, a SPACE wall to keep out aliens. I think they mean a real space wall, and not the CO2 gas wall we have been creating to block out the sun, kill the planet, and really stick it to those aliens. Article [1], and [2]

The conspiracy theory that Trump is trying to lose is related to the fake hoax campaign conspiracies, but is generally based on a fair amount of factual evidence without as many conclusions on why he is doing it. Most articles insinuate that Trump got in way over his head and:
  • Didn't understand or want to understand the issues facing or Country.
  • Based his entire campaign on a WHOLE bunch of lies, and didn't want to get caught as a con man and actually having to deliver what he didn't even fully understand himself.
  • Trump unconsciously trying to lose while half heartedly trying to win.
  • Trump being moderately to severely mentally unstable, and unable to control himself even if it means losing.
  • Trump being sociopathic, and unable to objectively correct his own mistakes.
  • Trump choosing to be himself and all of the ugly racist and idiotic reality that goes along with it, even if that means losing rather than pretend to be something that he is not.

Articles about purposefully losing are much more plentiful. Probably the best one I have seen is this one GOP Operatives Aren’t So Sure That Trump Even Wants To Win, and many more including [1], and [2],

I haven't seen any real serious evidence for the hoax campaign for Trump, and I don't think that Trump is fully actively trying to lose.

However, Trump has based his campaign on a lot of smoke and mirrors without anything to show for it.

Trump has said a lot of "Believe me," "It will be the BEST," "It will be Great," "Trust me on This," but nothing concrete to show for it. When Trump did give what was supposed to be a major economic and foreign policy speech to reset his campaign, it was a complete unmitigated DISASTER. A massive increase in costs, an overall increase in costs for the middle class and major decrease for the super wealthy, no real ideas on fighting terrorism, a reduction in cooperation with our allies, and a long list of 'I don't know the details and probably never will.'

It was Trump's largest 'The Emperor Has No Clothes Moment.'

At this point, Trump is not going to drop out, and he wants to find anything he can to blame for his massive loss other than himself. Even with his terrible minority support from his many outright racist statements, he has hired one of the leading radical right members of the White Supremacist movement from Breitbart news, and has just about fully cemented his loss.

It was Trump's choice to go down in flames like this. I highly doubt it was his advisors who told him to claim that Obama and Hillary were the founders of ISIS, or the dozens of other crazy self destructive acts.

As far as the conspiracies go, I find it amusing to think about a purposeful attempt to destroy the GOP. That Trump is completely opposite from what he is showing himself to be, and he is in fact thoughtful, kind, generous, and genuinely cares about the American people. In order to damage the GOP for decades to come, he flooded their party with the absolute worst racist, ignorant, and hateful people this country has to offer. Like these ones:

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