vendredi 2 septembre 2016

At Last , NASAt last NASA confirms UFOs here , there and everywhere

Headline needs to lose third and fourth words , but on refection the wrong version has poetic charm . This NASA video was clearly issued to show sceptics how far fetched and asinine their explanations are . No Venus . No torch shining . No lens flare . No Pixcel anomalies . No hoax sequences . Just good old NASA footage -- and that's extra to the hundreds of incidents where NASA wriggled by photoshopping and/or switching off live camera feeds .Apart from the self evident , that now only blind and silly people will want to deny the obvious , why has NASA switched policy so suddenly and completely in the last year? Because from the very beginning they have been a totally dishonest , fraud agency ( optional belief for septics) . Now their true motives need to be re - calculated . They certainly are not interested in transparency and truth on a going basis ( never forget Hubble Bubble which disappeared effectively years ago ) . The question you might and should consider is , whether this represents a move toward official disclosure and a few details ( But NASA isn't in the truth telling business ) or whether it is another step toward setting the scene for the best ever False Flag --- the hoax Alien invasion ? This latter route could be backed up by an engineered pandemic ( like Zika but not so absurd ) to maximise fear and panic -- even better if the vaccine that just so happens to be almost immediately available also manages itself to eliminate a billion or two people . Pity there is not time to make a film before life imitates Art . Have a good day -- not too many left for most I guess .

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