There has been a marked increase in Flat Earth videos and activities on Youtube and elsewhere on the web since late 2015.
It seems that all conspiracy nuts are converging to this ultimate conspiracy theory: the earth is flat, centered around the North Pole, Antarctica is the outer rim and beyond it is just a continued ice sheet. The Sun, Moon and all stars and planets are always above the earth, they only appear to go down because they vanish from our sight due to distance (?), the Sun is just 5,000km above the earth and 55km in diameter and only lights half the earth at a time because it projects its light as a spot light, surrounding the disc always between the Tropics. Different angles the Sun is seen in derive from the short distance between Earth and Sun.
It's all over now, every single Antarctica video is full of Flat Earthers saying the videos are fake and/or only show the Outer Antactica Rim and there is no South Pole. Amundsen-Scott base is a hoax.
All satellites and space travel is fake. Stars and Solar System planets are just points of light on the Dome that covers the Earth's disc.
I find it amazing because it is the logical consequence of all conspiracy mentality: trust nothing, reject all evidence that goes against your theory, eagerly believe any shred of proof that corroborates what you want to be true.
Now they are hunting each other all over the youtubes, claiming all 9/11 Truthers, Creationists, Apollo Hoax believers, etc. are shills and deluded UNLESS they also accept the irrefutable proof that the earth is flat and immobile. Alex Jones is being called a shill.
Stephen Molinaux (a capitalist anarchist and thus also not entirely rational IMO) receives a call from a Flat Earther and deals with it very calmly and rationally, a must watch to learn how to handle pseudo-science insanity:
All Round Earthers are seen as pawns of the Globalists (this name takes on a new dimension) paid by George Soros and Hillary Clinton, agents of NASA and the United Nations (whose logo is pretty much the Flat Earth map)
Should we be afraid of this whole new level of dementia or relieved that the conspiracy nuts are hitting rock bottom and exposing their complete inanity?
It seems that all conspiracy nuts are converging to this ultimate conspiracy theory: the earth is flat, centered around the North Pole, Antarctica is the outer rim and beyond it is just a continued ice sheet. The Sun, Moon and all stars and planets are always above the earth, they only appear to go down because they vanish from our sight due to distance (?), the Sun is just 5,000km above the earth and 55km in diameter and only lights half the earth at a time because it projects its light as a spot light, surrounding the disc always between the Tropics. Different angles the Sun is seen in derive from the short distance between Earth and Sun.
It's all over now, every single Antarctica video is full of Flat Earthers saying the videos are fake and/or only show the Outer Antactica Rim and there is no South Pole. Amundsen-Scott base is a hoax.
All satellites and space travel is fake. Stars and Solar System planets are just points of light on the Dome that covers the Earth's disc.
I find it amazing because it is the logical consequence of all conspiracy mentality: trust nothing, reject all evidence that goes against your theory, eagerly believe any shred of proof that corroborates what you want to be true.
Now they are hunting each other all over the youtubes, claiming all 9/11 Truthers, Creationists, Apollo Hoax believers, etc. are shills and deluded UNLESS they also accept the irrefutable proof that the earth is flat and immobile. Alex Jones is being called a shill.
Stephen Molinaux (a capitalist anarchist and thus also not entirely rational IMO) receives a call from a Flat Earther and deals with it very calmly and rationally, a must watch to learn how to handle pseudo-science insanity:
All Round Earthers are seen as pawns of the Globalists (this name takes on a new dimension) paid by George Soros and Hillary Clinton, agents of NASA and the United Nations (whose logo is pretty much the Flat Earth map)
Should we be afraid of this whole new level of dementia or relieved that the conspiracy nuts are hitting rock bottom and exposing their complete inanity?
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