mercredi 14 septembre 2016

Church of Free Fall credo leaked

Good news for duhbunkies and other true believers: The Church of Free Fall is in the process of getting registered as a legal religious order, having come to the conclusion that this would be the next logical step demanded by realpolitik at a point where rational critique has become obsolete. The credo was leaked on the 15th anniversary by an expert the group consulted and is now available in English ending with the timeless words:


Originally Posted by Church of Free Fall
Let us therefore pray:

Our 9/11

Thou camest from out of the blue sky

Hallowed be thy name

Thy GWOT* has come

Whose will be done

With drones in the heavens

As it is with wars on Earth.

Give us this day our daily budgets

(the fall of the Soviet Union had put those very much in question, after all)

And never forgive a terrorist

As thy GWOT* just keeps on

Creating new ones daily

And lead us not into temptation

To deliver ourselves from the evils of a war

Without end and without an end,

For thine is the imperial kingdom

And the military power

And “Full Spectrum Dominance”

For ever


*Great War On Terror

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