mercredi 14 septembre 2016

False Catholic Mary doctrine

In the world, we can see a fervent goal of reaching a consensus between different churches and revival movements through ecumenism. The Roman Catholic Church is involved in ecumenism, and many people are not familiar with the Catholic doctrine. The Catholic "gospel" is a false one, and the Catholic Church does not represent Biblical Christian faith. The late bishop Alphonsus Liguiri, the author of a very well-known book titled "The Glories of Mary", writes in the book that Mary's intercessions are absolutely necessary for salvation, and that Mary, being the mother of God, is omnipotent and can save sinners.

Catholic News Service posted a piece on June 4, 2015, stating that the sitting Pope, Francis, has just recently read The Glories of Mary. Francis says that he enjoyed the book because all chapters of the book show how Mary always leads us to Jesus Christ. The Catholic News Service says that the pope gives praise for the book. Pope Francis did not reject and revoke any of the Mary doctrines in the book, which means that the Pope approves of the book's unbiblical Mary teachings that mock God. If the book's Mary doctrines were contrary to the official Catholic doctrine, Francis should absolutely have pointed that out, but he did not, and gave praise to the book instead. The Pope's attitude and words of praise confirm that the Catholic Church continues to worship Mary. If someone still wants to disagree, he or she has not learned to read, is incapable of understanding written text or information that he or she has heard, or is blinded by the lie and is a liar.

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