samedi 3 septembre 2016

Does anyone here have an opinion on kratom ban?

Kratom is the leaves of a tree that grows in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and probably a few other places. A good friend of mine with chronic pain was on 20 mg. of hydrocodone every 4-6 hours successfully transitioned to once-daily use of kratom, which according to the DEA has been associated with 15 deaths worldwide. (Others dispute this).

Hidden network of kratom devotees tries to keep the supplement safe - and legal

The DEA's crazy kratom ban dresses pharmacological phobia in scientific garb

At a time when people are realizing pot shouldn't be in the same category as heroin, the DEA wants to ban another substance, based on little evidence.

My girlfriend is really dreading going back to prescription meds. They don't work as well for her pain and have been associated with TONS of deaths.

Kratom is habit-forming, and is not inspected by the government. Every batch will be a little bit different. So I can see some rationale for regulating it, but to put it in Schedule I - the class of chemicals that have no medical value (according to the DEA) seems like overkill. It will be completely illegal in 28 days. People who rely on it are ordering large quantities and online vendors are clearing out their stock.

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