Here is the new Psi Encyklopedia. It seems that people who did not like the sceptic side of things have written their own encyclopedia to battle wikipedia:
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It seems that the believers cannot get over it that their believes are not taken seriously any more.
Here is also a list of contributors. Its the same old from Dean Radin to McLuhan etc:
If someone wishes to have a look at it he is welcomed but I am quite sceptical of it. I am posting this to let you just know that they finally launched this.
About the Psi Encyclopedia There is now a vast research literature that validates the existence of psi as an anomalous, fleeting and little understood aspect of human experience. Psi researchers believe that it has been demonstrated many times over, and in a variety of contexts. But this remains controversial, since psi appears to contradict long-accepted scientific principles. In particular, accumulating evidence of links between mental experience and biological brain functions lead many to believe that the brain is the sole source of consciousness. Some scientists are known to sympathize with psi experimentalists, who use well-established statistical methods and robust methodology: the possibility of psychic experience has been seriously considered by an impressive number of Nobel prize winners and other eniment people. However, a vocal minority of sceptics often active in sceptic organisations campaign in books, articles and in the media against psi research, disparaging it as 'pseudoscience' and disputing its conclusions. In recent years this conflict has spread to the Internet, notably the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, where editors hostile to fringe science routinely edit articles on psi research to make them conform to their view. As a result, articles that were originally written by knowledgeable experts have become adulterated with misleading claims and assertions. |
It seems that the believers cannot get over it that their believes are not taken seriously any more.
Here is also a list of contributors. Its the same old from Dean Radin to McLuhan etc:
If someone wishes to have a look at it he is welcomed but I am quite sceptical of it. I am posting this to let you just know that they finally launched this.
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