samedi 1 octobre 2016

Montreal bans pit-bulls; PETA is still stupid


The Montreal ban is extreme. Once it goes into effect in October (assuming no stay results from the lawsuit brought against the city by the Montreal SPCA), no pit bull may be adopted in Montreal. The obvious result will be that all of them that are in or that enter a shelter will have to be killed. No, I will not use that “euthanize” word since their lives will be taken because of the way they look not because they are suffering from any sort of untreatable ailment or because of their actual behavior as individuals. Any owned dog identified as a pit bull will have to be the subject of a special permit for which the owner will be charged a significant fee, will have to be muzzled and kept on a short leash whenever he or she goes outside, and will have to be spayed or neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. Only the latter element is something we would see as appropriate.


If you were to read nothing but the PETA blog, you would think that the Montreal ban only requires that pit bulls be sterilized, microchipped and vaccinated. That is all that is mentioned about the law by PETA in their post. They then launch into their usual diatribe about the miserable conditions that some pit bulls live in as if this is the only possible outcome for these dogs. What they conveniently fail to mention to their readers is the crucial information that the Montreal ban prohibits the adoption of pit bulls, so they will necessarily die in shelters, and that it places very expensive and burdensome requirements on owners that likely will not be affordable for many of them resulting in pit bulls being relinquished at shelters. It is a prescription for massive loss of innocent lives, and this is what people who care about animals should be working to prevent. Not to congratulate.

There is nothing new about the fact that PETA has lost all moral authority in the field of animal welfare. Only the uninformed anymore think that PETA is a reliable advocate for voiceless animals. This is just the latest horrifying example.

PETA's post:


Good for Montréal! The city council has voted for legislation that requires all pit bulls to be sterilized, microchipped, and vaccinated for rabies by March 2017 and registered by the end of this year—all of which responsible dog guardians do anyway. This law will help ensure that pit bulls are well cared for and will prevent more dogs from being born only to worsen the homelessness crisis. Let’s talk some sense into people who are yelling, “Discrimination!”


Preventing more pit bulls from ending up this way isn’t breed-specific “discrimination”—it’s breed-specific protection.
Linky (emphasis mine).

The Montreal ban was bad enough. But most people (except politicians) realise by now that breed-specific laws don't work. But then there is PETA posting articles cheerleading.

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