mardi 4 octobre 2016

Outrage over Halloween costumes

It started with a post about how "cis men" should not dress in "drag" for Halloween because it is apparently offensive to the trans community and is an insult to femininity. Nevermind that drag, trans, and femininity are all totally different things!

Now I'm seeing dozens of examples of the same thinking applied to every possible ethnic/cultural/identity label imaginable.

All the while, nobody seems even remotely aware of the Celtic/Gaelic festival of Samhain ("Summer's End") or its equivalents. So here we are, complaining about the erasure of cultural identities and disrespect for sacred traditions...while totally disregarding the day's origins as being centered around ancestral worship and offerings of a portion of the bounty of your harvest to secure good fortune through the dark months of winter.

Apparently it is ok to turn reverence for the dead into a giant peackock semi-anonymous hook-up mating ritual, but wearing a sombrero or dressing up as a geisha is off-limits.

DISLCAIMER: There is such a thing as "too far" such as Arabic suicide bomber costumes or black face. Also, while I do have Irish ancestry (and seem to have inherited almost all of the superficial traits of such), I'm not actually upset about Halloween. I just despise selective outrage and tribalistic declarations of one's own identity as sacrosanct while totally silent about the same offenses against others.

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