lundi 17 octobre 2016

Why I Am Beginning to Think Hillary Should Win

Last weekend I attended Nerdcon: Stories. I had a wonderful time, with a lot of wonderful people. All of whom are Hillary supporters. And even though she appears to be safely ahead, all of whom were in great distress about the election, about Donald Trump. They could not stop talking about it. I went to a panel where the panelists vowed to not talk politics, and then promptly spent half the time venting about Trump.

It seemed like all around me were people living in mortal fear that the wrong person might win. People terrified that he was even in the running at all. They were possessed by a cathartic urge that never seemed to really let up. They had to keep telling each other stories about how horrible Trump is, and how much they hate him and are afraid of him.

I began to feel really bad for them. They're really nice people, and to see Trump win would send them into a cynical depression from which they might never recover.

Me? I think Trump will be bad for the country. Up until this weekend, I thought Hillary would be even worse. Now that I'm contemplating the pychological damage a Trump win would have on all these wonderful people, I'm not so sure. If Hillary wins in November, the far right wing will lose their minds. Screw them. They're all extremist douchebags and I hope their heads explode.

But if Trump wins in November, it will break the hearts of all these wonderful people. I think Hillary will do more damage, and worse damage, than Trump could ever do, but I still have some faith, some hope, that the country could survive either one. And right now, today, the romantic in me says the country will be better off in the long run, if it has the hope and faith of these wonderful people to sustain it.

I think these people are fools. I think they're immature. But they have good hearts. They are kind and thoughtful and they really do care. And the romantic in me can't bear the thought of seeing their idealism smashed so thoroughly, even if it is their own blindness and rigidity that makes them so vulnerable.

So I kinda hope that Hillary wins, and that she lets them down gently, rather than all at once.

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