vendredi 18 novembre 2016

Age and Origin of our Planetary System as a Supernova-Remnant

The age of our planetary system is assumed be around 4.6 x 109 = 9p46 = nine.po four six years. This value can be derived under the reasonable premises that half-lives of radioactive decay have not relevantly changed and that the oldest inclusions found in meteorites are indicative of the age of our planetary system.

The currently prevailing theory of the origin of our planetary system seems to me almost as implausible as the the giant-impact hypothesis concerning the origin of our moon. So I present here an alternative based on the distinction of first- and next-generation stars.

A first-generation star emerges by gravitational attraction from normal galactic matter (primarily hydrogen). First generation stars can emerge alone or in groups. They grow from randomly generated small seed objects by absorbing further mass and by fusing together with other objects having evolved in the same way. Thus, even the most giant first-generation star has passed through all sizes (i.e. from smaller than Moon to final). A higher mass density in a region of star formation increases the probability of big stars.

In principle, there is a continuous transition from moons to planets to stars. A lonely rogue planet with a moon can be considered a binary star system where one star is small and the other very small.

First-generation stars cannot lead to planetary systems similar to ours. In a multiple object system, where one object has grown to a real sun with thermonuclear fusion whereas the smaller objects remain at the size of planets, all is possible: from completely arbitrary rotation planes of the "planets" to even retrograde orbits. Yet it is highly unlikely all "planets" lie by chance in more or less the same plane.

The chaotic movements of lots of different masses forming one star ultimately lead to one rotation axis. The corresponding angular momentum can range from close to zero to high. In order to get something similar to our planetary system, a supernova-like explosion of a previous-generation star with substantial angular momentum (rotation speed) is needed.

During gravitational collapse preceding a supernova explosion, the previous-generation star (or at least the star's massive core) becomes a more and more oblate spheroid (due to conservation of angular momentum). The highest pressure and temperature obviously reigns in the center of the star, where a new kind of nuclear chain reaction is eventually triggered.

The pressure (resp. weight) at the center is the same in direction of the vertical rotation axis as in directions on the horizontal equatorial plane. Yet there is more mass between the center and a point on the equatorial plane than between the center and the poles. On the equator, strong centrifugal forces compensate gravitational attraction so that compressing forces (weight, pressure) at the center are the same from all directions.

The supernova chain reaction spreads from the center, and resulting heat and pressure try to accelerate outwards the matter outside this explosion region. The more oblate (flat) the spheroid, the more difficult to accelerate masses outwards in the equatorial plane and the easier are outbursts on the poles.

Depending on chain-reaction type, oblateness and other parameters, this may lead to rather spherical explosions, to bipolar outflows or astrophysical jets through the rotation poles.

In case of favorable conditions, such an explosion can lead to a proto-planetary disk in the equatorial plane of the previous-generation star. During the explosion, much or most of the stellar material is definitively lost into space, since it is expelled at velocities higher than escape velocity. In the equatorial plane, stellar material is expelled at the lowest velocities, because momentum and energy in these directions are distributed among more mass, and explosive power dissipates more easily in polar directions.

A central part of the core of the previous-generation star will probably remain where it is, as explosive forces outwards can lead by actio-reactio (i.e. momentum conservation) to inward forces. Also not all of hydrogen and other elements from outer star layers is accelerated enough to leave the newly created next-generation solar system. A next-generation star can at least in principle also grow further by absorbing matter during its journey through the galaxy.

If this hypothesis presented here is true then our sun is a next-generation star. Its previous incarnation, a substantially bigger star, exploded around 4.6 billion = 9p46 years ago as a supernova and ejected (among lots of material having disappeared in space) more or less homogeneously around its equatorial plane the material which is still gravitationally bound to our sun. This material cooling down and giving rise to meteoroids, asteroids and so on coincide with the start of ticking of what we use as radioactive clocks.

Cheers, Wolfgang
The main objective of the war on terror is fostering new terrorism in order to justify police-state and surveillance policies

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