mercredi 23 novembre 2016

First or Third person, past or present tense.

So... I am a bit of a hobby writer, with a few bits out there, nothing you will have read, but one of the things I like playing around with is the different styles of story telling. So there are the obvious first person ("I did this") or third person ("A character did that") styles in the past, or present tense, with a few quirks to play with (a narrator telling the story in a conversational, rather than formal way, or playing about with tine).

What has surprised me is when I talk about books I like, how many writers or readers will say: Pratchett? Never read him, it is all third person." Or "No way. First person is always a deal breaker".

So, is there any style you wont read? Is it just taste, or is there something about it you cant connect with?

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