mercredi 30 novembre 2016



Yesterday evening a couple of middle aged women knocked upon my door.

As members can appreciate, I am in a particular mode right now so I took the opportunity to engage with these women claiming to be witnessing Jehovah and find out a little more as to their agenda related to being witnesses of Jehovah, since I have my own opinion on what that agenda is, and have shared it most recently in the OP of this thread as well as in my posts in said thread, as well as in other posts in other threads.

One might say I am perhaps a little obsessed with the subject, but in reality it is more a case of trying to understand something which - whether w'all like it or not - affects and effects the goings on of human beings on this I am, trying not to ignore it, or fall at its feet in fearful worship of it or consign it to the 'evil god' department and pooh on it.

So with the opportunity at my door I allowed the communication to proceed and took the time to interrupt these women now and again to give them information pertinent to what they were conveying but they had never thought about before in relation to Jehovah.

This caused some interesting reactions.

First I asked them why they knocked on peoples doors and they said something about a 50 tsunami coming and what would I do in relation to knowing that and would I not try and warn the neighbors.

Rather than go off on a tangent explaining the holes in their metaphor/analogy I decided to ask them what they are saying on Jehovah's part which offered assistance in relation to the impending doom of Armageddon.

They said that Jehovah had a plan and they would be okay.

I asked them what in a nut shell the plan was.

They said Jehovah would bring in his kingdom.

I asked what that meant...they quoted the prophet Daniel in relation to the The Kings Dream story and
the stone which crushed the statues feet of clay represented Jehovah's kingdom destroying the systems of disparity (my interpretation of 'the worlds kingdoms') and making everything all right in the world again. Essentially the promise of a system of parity set up by Jehovah

AS the conversation flowed, I told them briefly my understanding of what was happening and included the logic of how prophesy of future events that can be created and made to come to pass simply through having the money and position of power and influence to actually bring prophesy into reality (make them actually happen) and explained to them why I thought Christianity was an invention of Roman and Jewish intelligent planning in order to control people and get them to more readily accept systems of disparity in order to get those people to calm down and tow the line.

Thus, perhaps then a message of hope where in fact the message was made up and was not from Jehovah at all...Jehovah had other plans.

I put that idea into their heads.

Something to think about...

As expected, they battled on with their 'Jehovah isn't like that' attitude, and not one to want to burst anyone''s hope bubbles, I directed the conversation to what I though 'GOD' was, and told them about First Source Consciousness, and went through the points about my theory of simulated universes, and this planet/universe being a place where evil aspects of FSC came in order to rehabilitate from their experiences with the practice of pure evil.

Furthermore, I said that I saw Jehovah as the creator and administrator of this - our simulated universe, but also saw him as somewhat representative of FSC and for that matter...not only the creator and administrator but also the consciousness experiencing this universe in our forms....essentially connecting the dots from FSC right down through the simulations and into this one, because that is the self aware source of all Consciousness.

I told them that WE were really Jehovah and that the systems of disparity used organised religion in order to make us believe we were separate from 'GOD' (FSC) in that way. I explained that putting the idea of GOD upon a throne and making us worship that idea as if we were not ourself also self aware beings all come from the same source...

They told me Jehovah was not like that.

I told them, 'that is not what organised religion is saying...

They told me they could not accept my understanding that Jehovah and I and them and everyone was essentially the same consciousness and I could see clearly how immediately their body language responded to such a thought and the walls went up immediately and they said that on this point they could not step over that line, and even when I explained to them why they could not (because of the dogma organised religion uses with their adherents) they categorically said that they could not move forward with me on this and all communication is now pointless.

I replied 'does that mean you won't be knocking on my door again?'


"Because, if you do - be prepared to have more of the same. After all this is my door you are knocking on."

They left in an amicable enough manner...

I am inclined still toward the notion that systems of disparity will not be overcome by 'Jehovah's Kingdom' and Jehovah will leave us to our fate because Jehovah knows that if we cannot do it for ourselves, then we do not represent Him anyhoo.

In other words, if we can do it for ourselves, then we are Jehovah after all.

On that note, and because we live in this universe and there is much time and space in order for us to eventually get our **** together, we will - lots of pain to come yet - find a way in which to do so.


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