samedi 9 septembre 2017

Defend/Debate Reincarnation

I am looking to defend reincarnation. I will start by objecting to various claims of skeptics;

- In cases of children who remember past lives where people claim the parents lie about it while getting their children to play along; Some people don't go public about their child's comments that indicate a probable past life and instead just tell friends and family members, which, I believe, removes the incentive for monetary gain and therefore of a reason to lie.

- In the case of the argument that the world population has grown from millions to billions and that there would be no new souls to occupy the new bodies, I argue that there could be a vast amount of souls, much more vast than is currently incarnate that are disincarnate.

- In the case of the claim that children who remember past lives simply got their memories from a mundane source rather than a supernatural one and simply forgot where it came from and interpreted it as a past life memory (part of a phenomenon called cryptomnesia) I argue that there are some cases where there is hardly any means to gain the memories (which are sometimes later verified) which they claim to be the memory of a past life due to the obscurity and remoteness in time and space in some cases of the people they claimed to be.

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