LOreal has sacked its first transgender model after a Facebook rant in which she claimed ALL white people are racist. Munroe Bergdorf, 29, from London was billed as the face of modern diversity when she was brought on board the brands #allworthit campaign just days ago. |
This was a case of someone posting to Facebook, not Twitter, and it's pretty clear from what is quoted in the article she meant what she said, though she did modify it later to claim that she was complaining that ""When I stated that 'all white people are racist', I was addressing that fact that western society as a whole, is a SYSTEM rooted in white supremacy..."
Some of the remarks quoted come perilously close to claiming that racism is a genetically inherited condition.
Statements like this do not help resolve racial issues, reconciliation does not mean that one side dictates and the other obeys and this basically is another case of someone who believes themselves progressive upholding notions of worth based on skin color that are wrong no matter what skin color/sexual orientation your are.
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