Something new to chew on.Found this on another site. Haven't taken time to read through yet. I do suspect there's a least one bug in the experiment. Link at the end.
Consciousness-related interactions in a double-slit opticalinterferometerGabriel Guerrer∗Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de S ̃ao Paulo, S ̃ao Paulo, BrasilAugust 24, 2017AbstractMotivated by a series of reported experiments and their controversial results, the presentwork investigated if volunteers could causally affect an optical double-slit system throughmental efforts alone. The participants task alternated between intending the increase of the(real-time feedback informed) amount of light diffracted through aspecific single slit andrelaxing any intention effort. The 160 data sessions contributed by127 volunteers revealeda statistically significant 6.37 sigma difference between the measurements performed in theintention versus the relax conditions (p= 1.89×10−10, es= 0.50±0.08), while the 160control sessions conducted without any present observer resulted in statistically equivalentsamples (z=−0.04, p= 0.97, es= 0.00±0.08). The results couldn’t be simply explainedby environmental factors, hence supporting the previously claimed existence of a not yetmapped form of interaction between a conscious agent and a physical system.1 IntroductionOne of the hardest problems still unsolved by humanity concerns the nature of consciousness andits relationship to matter [1]. The millennial old debate, currently addressed by the philosophy ofmind, proceeds asking if there’s a more fundamental aspect to reality, what are their propertiesand how do they interact.The first time physicists seriously considered the possibility of consciousness being a subjectof their responsibility, coincided with the developments of quantum mechanics in the 20thcen-tury. In particular, the question on how the superposition state is reduced to a definite observedstate, known as the quantum measurement problem, led some scientists [2–4] to associate suchabrupt transitions with a subjective knowledge increase. According to that interpretation, theconscious agent played an essential role in promoting the state reduction when experimentingon the acquired information.The question evolved into a controversial philosophical and theoretical debate [5–11] tothe present-day, where the majority stands for the oppositeview, denying the necessity ofthe “extra-physical” consciousness ingredient in quantumphysics [12]. Data in support of theleading view is found in “which-path” experiments, reported and discussed by [13]. Thoseexperiments reveal that a sufficient condition for a superposition state collapse is a “which-path” information availability, even when theoretically obtainable but not effectively measured.The provided counter-examples may lead to the conclusion that information reaching human consciousness is not a mandatory step for state reduction.Although a strong role for human consciousness in the quantum measurement problem maybe ruled out, still, a weaker but not less important role can be investigated. |
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