lundi 11 septembre 2017

Satanic Temple sues Missouri over abortion restrictions

From ThinkProgress:

On Monday, the Missouri State Court Western Appellate District will hear oral arguments from a religious organization challenging an abortion law — but not from the type of group you might expect.

The Satanic Temple is arguing that Missouri’s abortion restrictions — specifically, its informed consent law and mandatory 72-hour waiting period for abortions — violates the religious freedom of one of its members who believes in reproductive autonomy and scientific fact. The United State Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit will hear arguments in the case later this month.
Basically, they're using the HobbyLobby verdict against the state of Missouri and the Christians that are behind those restrictions on abortion procedures. Wherever Christians try, and manage, to put their religious prejudice above secular state interest, Doug Mesner and his Satanic Temple uses their own weapons against them. Pure genius.

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