Looks like the mainstream is finally starting to recognize "JAQing Off."
New York Times: They Kinda Want to Believe Apollo 11 Was Maybe a Hoax
Conspiracy theories were once deadly serious. On the internet, skepticism about the moon landing shows how the mood has shifted.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/01/s...1UXweINZyXNc_o
New York Times: They Kinda Want to Believe Apollo 11 Was Maybe a Hoax
Conspiracy theories were once deadly serious. On the internet, skepticism about the moon landing shows how the mood has shifted.
The internets biggest stars are using irony and nonchalance to refurbish old conspiracies for new audiences, recycling them into new forms that help them persist in the cultural imagination. Along the way, these vloggers are unlocking a new, casual mode of experiencing paranoia. They are mutating our relationship to belief itself: Its less about having convictions than it is about having fun. |
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