Well, this is a bit of fun.
My computer has been "freezing" i.e. nothing works except for the mouse pointer, clicking on things doesn't help.
I wasn't able to log in from another device on the network.
Being linux, I was able to force a clean reboot via the magic key combination Alt+PrintScreen+(R,E,I,S,U,B).
Checked all the logs*, nothing.
Re-installed the BIOS, no change.
Added extra monitoring on the hard drives, nothing except for a slightly higher than usual temperature. Oho!
So, I pulled the case apart and found that there was evidence of air being pulled in, in odd places. The filter meshes on the front case fan were absolutely filthy. So I cleaned them.
The computer is now running much quieter, and I haven't had a freeze since.
So I guess something has been overheating, maybe the video card.
Time will tell I suppose.
* You would not believe how many logs linux has, :) they all just go silent when the freeze happens, except for the results from the magic keys.
My computer has been "freezing" i.e. nothing works except for the mouse pointer, clicking on things doesn't help.
I wasn't able to log in from another device on the network.
Being linux, I was able to force a clean reboot via the magic key combination Alt+PrintScreen+(R,E,I,S,U,B).
Checked all the logs*, nothing.
Re-installed the BIOS, no change.
Added extra monitoring on the hard drives, nothing except for a slightly higher than usual temperature. Oho!
So, I pulled the case apart and found that there was evidence of air being pulled in, in odd places. The filter meshes on the front case fan were absolutely filthy. So I cleaned them.
The computer is now running much quieter, and I haven't had a freeze since.
So I guess something has been overheating, maybe the video card.
Time will tell I suppose.
* You would not believe how many logs linux has, :) they all just go silent when the freeze happens, except for the results from the magic keys.
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