dimanche 12 janvier 2020

Vermont Cell Phone Ban

A Vermont senator proposed a ban on cell phones for anyone under 21. He says they're more dangerous than guns

Rodgers, who represents the rural Essex-Orleans district, said the bill intentionally parallels the state's gun legislation. In it, he highlights the dangers of texting and driving and the role social media plays in bullying and suicide and suggests "mass shooters of younger ages" have used their phones to research previous shootings.
Restricting access to information is never going to be popular.


He knows it won't make it past the judiciary committee.
"I'm not going to push for the bill to pass," he said. "I wouldn't vote for the thing. This is just to make a point."

That point: In Vermont, it's illegal for anyone under 21 to buy a firearm. Rodgers suggested that the same age restrictions should apply to cellphone use.
Posturing is usually a waste of time in my opinion.

The bill text; https://legislature.vermont.gov/Docu...Introduced.pdf

Based on the attitudes of people like this sponsor, it is only a matter of time before the age of majority or the voting age is raised to 21.


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