vendredi 10 juillet 2020

Black man threatened with police call for lurking outside his own house

Along the same vein as the man who got the cops called on him for spraypainting "Black Lives Matter" on his own property, and the man who was threatened with a gun for retrieving mail from his own mailbox, here we have an instance of a black man who was spotted sitting in his idling vehicle at the curb across from his own home by a white person who made an arbitrary presumption that it was not his home and..."intervened".

In the two above-mentioned scenarios, the white people making the accusations gambled on their presumptions by outright lying and claiming to know the "real owners" of properties in question. As the video of this particular incident doesn't start until quite late in the encounter, we do not know if she ever told such a lie during it. However, she can nevertheless still be seen rolling the dice on the correctness of her presumption by marching straight up to the front door of the disputed house and daring the black man to enter if it's really his house. We then get to watch while she is first nonplussed as he proceeds to do exactly that, and as she then angrily stalks away, quickly beginning an expletive-filled insane tirade against the man calling him a "drug dealer" among other things.

Video of the incident here.

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