mercredi 22 juillet 2020

Laptop RAM question

Hi guys,

Recently there as a major Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop- plus a new version of Edge. Also a Winzip addition that helpful guys here helped me to disable!

Here's what my laptop says about itself:

Lenovo V310-141SK
Intel Core i3-6100U CPU
2.30 GHz
6.00 GB RAM (5.73 GB usable)

Prior to the W10 upgrade I had been having occasional 'freezes', where the machine stops, and I have to reboot. Typically, for instance, when I have several large excel spreadsheets open at the same time.

However, since the upgrade this is happening several times a day, so I'm assuming (a WAG, of course) that Billy Gates' stuff is taking up so much of the RAM that there's not really enough for me to play with.

My question is - is it likely to be feasible to replace the 6 GB Ram with 8, for instance, or maybe add another 6?

Thanking you in anticipation...

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