jeudi 30 juillet 2020

Discussion of violence and property damage

Mod Info This thread has been split from the Biden for President thread where it was off-topic.
Posted By:Agatha


Originally Posted by Stacyhs (Post 13171636)
The meaning of the word already includes damage to property.

"behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something."

"the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy".

I did not mention graffiti in my post which I would not put in the category of violence. I said looting and destroying property which are violent.

Let me point out again that I am not saying there is no police violence against the protesters as there most certainly is. But the original topic to which I posted was that the violence we're seeing in places like Portland from the looters and those destroying property is hurting the Dems not the Republicans.

Even the definitions you provide are more heavily weighted to "injure, abuse, hurt, kill" which are words that don't really apply to property damage. I'm not saying you are grammatically incorrect, I'm saying that using the word violence to describe things that are done to inanimate objects makes those actions sound more menacing than they are.

"Violent protestors" are a danger to most voters.

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