dimanche 16 août 2020

Is Trump stupid or evil or?

Until fairly recently I always thought that Trump was simply winging it after he accidentally won in 2016. I didn't think that for a few years there was any coherent strategy besides appealing to his hardcore base of deplorables. The incoherence and stupidity of his public statements, as well as statements from his close advisors, only reinforces this idea.

And maybe you think evil is too strong a word; he's certainly incredibly self-centered and doesn't care who gets in his way. He's been described as a successful sociopath by at least one psychologist. We can see it in his past life too with the whole John Barron maneuver and other pseudonyms he's used to skirt the law or make himself look better. But he's certainly aware he's doing that. Trump can't seem to read or write very well, but I think intelligence can manifest in different ways.

I think the pace he puts on the media and the public with his outrageous actions or claims is frightening. While it took months for Obama to come out and say that Republicans were holding things up, Trump shamelessly does it right away at the slightest provocation and in rapid fire. He names names and bolds or capitalizes text. I think doubling down on his opinions helps him more than it hurts him. You could argue he's winning, at least as much as he could win at all at this point.

Barring neurosyphilis or dementia he's probably maintained the manipulative personality of his prime years. Am I crazy for thinking he's been deliberately operating this way for the past few years?

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