lundi 24 août 2020

Windows 95 is 25!

Today, Windows 95 is 25 years old!

It was a huge deal for me, back then. It turned dumpy, little Windows 3.1 from something we 'had to use', into something a lot of us WANTED to use!

Sure, the Mac had some of its features, already, such as a Trash/Recycle bin and long file names. But, Windows mastered the art of all of those things, and went beyond, with the Start Menu and Task Bar, which Macintosh subsequently borrowed from Windows.

For those feeling nostalgic for that era, I offer a 20-minute video of myself exploring a Tiger Software catalog from right before its release! [yt]MScl9-ZYa54[/yt]

Some of the things in these catalogs were scams!

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