I've got about 15 old hard drives tucked away. I want to go through them and see if there's any with old photos that got missed in the upgrades before tossing them. It's enough that fiddling with IDE cables and powering a desktop with them up and down is annoying.
I tried a Unitek adapter that seemed to have pretty good reviews.
I plugged it in to a box running Ubuntu, so hopefully it would be recognized regardless if it were an old Windows/Linux/Solaris disk. But of the three drives I tried, all appeared without any partitions or data. That seemed unlikely, so I ripped the computer apart and found this one still has an IDE cable and plugged it in. Same OS but now it sees partitions. So the adapter isn't working for me.
Seems odd that's it's recognized enough to appear as a hard drive of the right size and the right manufacturer, but with no data. Anyone know if I'm expecting too much of this or there's a product that's known to work like this that I should try instead?
I tried a Unitek adapter that seemed to have pretty good reviews.
I plugged it in to a box running Ubuntu, so hopefully it would be recognized regardless if it were an old Windows/Linux/Solaris disk. But of the three drives I tried, all appeared without any partitions or data. That seemed unlikely, so I ripped the computer apart and found this one still has an IDE cable and plugged it in. Same OS but now it sees partitions. So the adapter isn't working for me.
Seems odd that's it's recognized enough to appear as a hard drive of the right size and the right manufacturer, but with no data. Anyone know if I'm expecting too much of this or there's a product that's known to work like this that I should try instead?
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