dimanche 6 septembre 2020

Disloyal: A Memoir - Michael Cohen's book

"Disloyal: A Memoir", by Michael Cohen, is the next in line anti Trump book.

Not sure what impact it can and will have, as Michael Cohen is, ... , well, Michael Cohen.

But there are some interesting things in the book, according to CNN: In tell-all book, Michael Cohen says Trump hired a 'Faux-Bama' during White House run

The "funniest" thing is about "Faux-Bama":

Trump's disdain for Obama was so extreme that he took his fixation a step further, according to Cohen: Trump hired a "Faux-Bama" to participate in a video in which Trump "ritualistically belittled the first black president and then fired him."
Cohen's book, "Disloyal: A Memoir," doesn't name the man who was allegedly hired to play Obama or provide a specific date for the incident, but it does include a photograph of Trump sitting behind a desk, facing a Black man wearing a suit with an American flag pin affixed to the lapel. On Trump's desk are two books, one displaying Obama's name in large letters.
Whatever one thinks about Cohen, there is much truth in his judgment about US media:


"Donald Trump's presidency is a product of the free press," he writes. "Not free as in freedom of expression, I mean free as unpaid for. Rallies broadcast live, tweets, press conferences, idiotic interviews, 24-7 wall-to-wall coverage, all without spending a penny. The free press gave America Trump."
"Right, left, moderate, tabloid, broadsheet, television, radio, Internet, Facebook -- that is who elected Trump and might well elect him again."
(bolding mine)

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