mardi 8 septembre 2020

Skeptical of "pedophile ring" testimony. How to approach the issue with skepticism?

A good friend of mine sent me a link to this video as "proof" that high level pedophile rings exist on a global level, filled with the elite and powerful. I watched the video and had the impression that this woman must be lying, or mentally ill in some way, compulsively seeking attention or meaning.

Here's the video; it's pretty short and safe for work, it's just a Belgian woman non-graphically describing how she experienced 1700 hours of rape by the age of 12 and how she was almost ritually murdered on a butchers block stained black with the blood of the previous sacrificial victims.

I'm curious if most skeptics here have the same impression upon viewing it, and, if so, how you recommend approaching the issue of sensitively letting it be known that I'm extremely skeptical of her story while still making it clear that I have empathy and compassion for survivors of real abuse.

I also want to get opinions on if I'm wrong to immediately doubt this story. Part of me is scared that my BS detector is wrong and that I'm the fool. Do these things actually happen and I'm jusy naive about the world?

Serious questions, I'm not trying to be snide or sarcastic in any of this.

Thanks for any feedback.

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