mardi 22 septembre 2020

Sacked for "Bible Truth"

Here we go yet again...

For non-UK-ians (mebbe even some UK-ians), to be sacked from a school is the final stage of a process involving verbal and written warnings and various other things, which suggests that she had continued to "Bible Truth" after being warned not to and that her "Bible Truth" contravenes equality legislation and the local policies. So, she had chance to shut up but chose not to...

Inevitably, the Christian Legal Centre are involved and making their usual claims about her freedom of religion and freedom of speech being curtailed. As usual they miss the point spectacularly: no-one is telling her NOT to be a Christian, just to stop breaching local policies and national law; freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, ie she can say what she wants, but some things have consequences and she's got them and now doesn't like it.

I have zero sympathy with "Christians" who want to discriminate against other folk, in contravention of their supposed religion to start off with. My sympathy goes down further when they start trying to claim legal protection using the same sorts of legislation they have breached. Then it goes down even further when it involves the issues it does in this case, as, in my former professional life in CAMHS, I spent too much time with LGBTQ+ bairns who were being bullied, having their needs ignored by schools, etc, etc, ended up OD'ing or cutting, depressed, house-bound with anxiety and more.

Really, some of these "Christians" should just grow up and understand some of their own supposed religion...

PS Mods, I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Social Affairs. Please move if you think it's better there. Thank you.

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