jeudi 31 décembre 2020

Mathematically debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories

Can someone help me out mathematically, I sometimes argue with conspiracy theorists elsewhere and I could do with a bit more details.

Twin towers were 110 stories, but what did they exactly weigh ?
I've read an approximate mass of 500,000 tons, but is this correct ?

If it is, to divide the weight by it's floors produces an average floor weight of 4545.45 tons.

What is the correct weight of a floor ?

And what was the correct mass above the impact points ?

Taking a 767 200 series jet, and adding 31 tons of fuel to it's weight gives 111.1 tons, that multiplied by it's acceleration in metres per second, gives it's force.

But what was the acceleration of Flight 11 & Flight 175 ?

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