mercredi 30 décembre 2020

Trump's accomplishments

So now that both the year and the Orange Reign are (finally) almost over, I thought it'd be an idea to list his achievements. We know they are overshadowed by all the bad he's done, but for fairness' sake, let's make an honest effort to list the things he's done that we actually appreciate. I'll start.

Will need some help with this one. Let's google "Trump's achievements". Don't know what I expected, but This Atlantic article has a couple small ones I can get behind.

-regulations on vaping. Good, I... guess? Don't have anything against flavoured vaping cartridges, but... I guess if it keeps teens from starting to vape, and then progress to cigarettes, it'll save lives, so... nah, I admit I don't really have a strong opinion on this. I'll file it under "undecided".

-kicking out China from 5G networks. Not a subject I know much about, and quite possibly done out of anti-Chinese bigotry as much as any rational incentive, but fair enough, I suppose.

-re-establishing due process on campuses.

-the First Step program.

Moving on, here are the things I can think of off the top of my head:

Something about parental leave. Don't remember the details.

I'd say something about the economy, but the damage he's done here in this regard has probably outdone the good. Actually, strike probably.

I don't know if this counts as I doubt it was genuine, but he catered to the downtrodden working class that felt "the elite" didn't care about them, might just have energized that portion of the population and forced future candidates to care more about income inequality and social mobility. As another poster said, Trump's election was a brick through the window, a cry of "can you hear us now?!" that should not be ignored.

Negotiated "peace treaties" between countries in the Middle East that weren't at war to begin with. Of course, like with the economy, I fully believe he's done more to hurt Middle Eastern and world peace than to further it, so don't know if this counts.

I'd list progress against ISIS, but I'm not feeling it. Again, whatever achievements he made on the counter-terrorism/diplomatic/no more wars front are outweighed by the damage done.

I refuse to list "started no new wars". It feels like talking about why you like your spouse and saying "he doesn't hit me". Nearly all world leaders don't start wars. That's not a big achievement unless, of course, a Cuban missile crisis-style scenario arises where avoiding a war is both desirable and difficult. Also, there's something hypocritical about Trump supporters cheering victories against ISIS and at the same time bragging that Trump was a pacifist who didn't get the US entangled in conflicts.

I suppose as an honourable mention I can add that he mobilized and united the forces of good in the USA to a degree I haven't seen in a long time. His presidency shone a spotlight on police violence, corruption, racism, and how much bigotry and authoritarianism there is in the US population. It rallied people against fake news and conspiracy theories and the postfact society in general.

And... I really can't think of anything else, to be honest :boggled: .

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