jeudi 10 décembre 2020

Perhaps one of you could help me out

Hi all,
I have the below and are looking for what is missing, anyone who can help, please do.

When all there is, is more than my imagination
When all there is, is more than my imagination, then it is equal to the patience I have to find them in reality, because

Otherwise when all there is, is more than my imagination, then it is not equal to the patience I have to find them in reality, but

If in the end when all there is, is more than my imagination, then is is not equal to the patience I have to find them in reality, it doesn't seem to me that the patience I imagine I have is enough, to be within reality.

When all there is, is other than my imagination
When all there is, is other than my imagination, then my imagination is outside of reality, because

when all there is, is other than my imagination, my imagination is inside reality, but

if in the end, when all there is, is other than my imagination, my imagination is inside reality, it doesn't seem to me outside of reality what I imagine there is.

When all there is, is equal to my imagination
When all there is, is equal to my imagination, then outside of my imagination is the patience I have to find the rest from me in reality, because

Otherwise when all there is, is equal to my imagination, then inside my imagination is the patience I have to find the rest from me in reality, but

If in the end, when all there is, is equal to my imagination, then inside my imagination is the patience I have to find the rest from me in reality, it doesn't seem to me when I imagine me and the rest from me together as all there is, how much patience is enough so that the rest find me in reality, outside of my imagination.

When all there is, is below my imagination
When all there is, is below my imagination, then more patience I imagine I have to find them in reality, because

Otherwise when all there is, is below my imagination, then less or equal patience I imagine I have to find them in reality, but

If in the end when all there is, is below my imagination, then less or equal patience I imagine I have to find them in reality, it doesn't seem to me I imagine how much patience is above my imagination in reality.

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