mercredi 28 juillet 2021

California lays suit against Blizzard after two-year investigation

On Tuesday July 20, the state of California filed a lawsuit against Activision-Blizzard, citing a 'frat-boy' culture that oversaw massive discrimination against women working for the company (and specifically the WoW division), including being passed over for promotions, lower pay, and retaliation for complaints to HR. As expected, more has come out since then, and Blizzard released a damning statement quoted in the Polygon article about the case accusing the state of lying about a problem that didn't reflect today's company. A couple of law-trained players dissected the statement on the forums showing which parts were probably written by lawyers, and which parts would make lawyers seriously consider dropping Blizzard as a client.

Most recently what came out was tweets and pictures from Blizzcons where the developers showed off their consequences-free frat house by having a room nicknamed the Cosby Suite [pictured here] with lead developer Greg Street (known as Ghostcrawler) tweeting another picture of himself with the Cosby portrait and "There must always be a Cosby suite". Another developer, Alex Klontzas, tweeted that anyone concerned about delays in game development due to the lawsuit was "part of the problem". The tweet was limited to friends shortly after, but was still screenshot first.

There's a lot up in the air right now, accusations flying freely (woke, metoo, 'one woman complains') but with the amount of time the investigation covered, and how many of the Old Guard (original developers) are involved, the very continued existence of the game could be in doubt.

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