samedi 31 juillet 2021

How the war against the USA is being waged

How the war against the west is being conducted.

The development of guerilla warfare has been attributed to Mao Tse-tung during his long march where the communist party rose to power in China and the nationalist party retreated to Taiwan. It is a new type of warfare that enables a far smaller weaker group to take over a far greater power . Basically it is a slow incremental operation of a thousand cuts until the defending power is so broken down it no longer has the ability to mount its own defence and thus has to fall.

This type of warfare was employed in many third world countries that used to be aligned with the western colonial powers but are now considered liberated and are largely anti west unless there are free handouts in the form of “AID” employed. The western nations never grasped that they were in fact being out flanked by their enemies !

It turns out that many people in the western nations do not understand that they are in fact under a full attack with this kind of warfare being employed. Lets face it you cannot take out a country like the United States by means of an open frontal attack and expect to actually win. You have to soften it up and wreck it internally first before anything like that can be attempted. For the most part people just think the world has gone bonkers and is being run by clowns.

Now to prove my point lets take a look at the blatantly obvious;

There is no way in Hell that you can look on a patriot as some one bad if viewed from the perspective of someone that is loyal to their own country. But if you are an enemy of that country and want to see it destroyed then yes, you would consider a patriot as dangerous because they are the ones that want to defend and preserve the country you wish to destroy.

Now this gives you an easy reference as to whom the enemies and who the friends of the country actually are. Those that are labelling the patriots as domestic terrorist are in fact the enemies of the country, who want to destroy it. How in Gods name are they being left to roam free, in positions of power and spread their poison ?

It soon becomes obvious that the plans to take down the west has been in operation for over a generation and it is now, only at the end, that it all becomes obvious because it is no longer possible to hide it. In the final push at the end it all has to come out.

So lets define what a nation is;

A nation is a group of families that are bound by a common heritage, language , culture and religion that occupy an area of recognized land and sea that they call their own. The people are the nation, their government only gives representation to the nation on the international stage. You can see this laid out with the different nations of Europe. A Frenchman will not be confused with a German or an Englishman or Spaniard. They are separate nations even though they have all joined together in the European Union.

Now the United States has developed their own history, culture and language even though the people are made up of many other nationals. Because of this it has become easy for other nations to spot a Yank as they pass by. The shades, the camera, the dress and the accent. The United States is its own nation in all ways. Even its gangsters are recognized as uniquely American. Those of other nations definitely have a different flavour.

Now what is being done to take down America;

The first is to dissolve the glue that holds the nation together. The bottom building block of any nation is the basic family structure which is why so much effort has been expended on ripping the families apart and inserting the state into areas where it should never be.

The next structure that is being pulled apart is the culture. The markers of history such as statues are destroyed and literature from different past generations demonized and banned. The education system has been used to dumb down two entire generations, ridicule the concept of the family unit, Stigmatize the national history and rip out the national religion. The youth that would be required to defend the nation if invaded, are indoctrinated into becoming sexual deviants with a Satanist outlook.

One thing every nation needs to defend itself when attacked is economic generators to maintain its war machine and equipment supplies. Fast food stands are just not going to cut it. Through tax manipulations the nations manufacturing industries have been pushed into other countries and the old US industrial centres have collapsed into rust belts. Kind of hard to defend yourself from China if China just happens to be your main supplier of materials and equipment. Basically check mate right there. As a final precaution the other best way to shut down a nations economic infrastructure is to lock down its population so there are not enough people out there left to adequately keep the remaining economic infrastructure functioning. In comes covid. And out goes the nations food security. Also you end up with one hell of an eroded tax base, if there are no incomes to pay income tax on. The crisis on the southern boarder is not about refugees, its to provide cover for invading armies that can lay low until crunch time when they can bring down the nations utility infrastructure at the most critical moments, they do not even need weapons, all they need are hand tool and matches. That’s how guerilla warfare works. Does not take much to cut a telephone cable in order to wreck communications. But I’m sure you have the basic concepts by now.

It has also become very obvious that the nations leadership has been compromised as well. Wether by bribes or blackmail they seem to be doing their best to wreck the nations from within and devastate its economy and currency as a unit of exchange. Not to forget its energy independence as well. Do not think North America will not be subject to direct invasion soon. It has been in the planning for a very long time !

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