jeudi 22 juillet 2021

Frito-Lay strike

Didn't find a thread on this one.


Employees say sweltering 90-degree temperatures on the picket line are preferable to the 100-degree-plus heat that awaits them inside the manufacturing warehouse on any given summer day. They're demanding an end to mandatory overtime and 84-hour weeks that they argue leaves little room for a meaningful quality of life. They're also seeking raises that match cost-of-living increases.

The company, which is owned by PepsiCo, disputes their claims, calling them "grossly exaggerated" and says a recent contract offer delivered earlier this month more than met the terms put forward by the workers' union, Local 218 of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Union.

Meanwhile, workers say they want more concessions before heading back into the factory. They have also called for a national boycott on Frito-Lay products, as well as those produced by PepsiCo, for the remainder of the strike. If successful, the boycott would mean living in a world without Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, Tostitos and Sun Chips. Temporarily, at least.
There are a whole slew of horrifying allegations beyond the basics.


• Making us work in dense smoke and fumes during and after a fire because as you stated, "It's just smoke."

• When a co-worker collapsed and died, you had us move the body and put in another co-worker to keep the line going.

• During the COVID-19 lockdown, a co-worker's father passed away in another state. You told her since there wasn't a funeral she didn't qualify for bereavement time. She had to take off two of her own days to grieve.

• We worked during the entire COVID-19 quarantine while office personnel worked from home. We didn't get hazard pay, bonuses, rewards or recognition.

• We worked through the deep freeze struggling keep warm and everything running, getting forced over and into the weekend again, while an upper manager received a recognition award for "his dedication to come in on his weekend to keep our plant running."

• How you fill our warehouse with carts of cardboard and product blocking walkways, exits and work areas. When we point out it's not safe, you shrug your shoulders and say, "It's push week."

• How you bring in inexperienced temporary drivers leading to two injuries, one of them major, and numerous accidents, including a hit to a major structure beam, bending it and damaging the forklift.

• The fact you offer paternity leave to all employees except those at union plants.

• Your negotiator told us that it isn't that Frito-Lay can't afford to give us raises, it's that he is there to protect the stockholder investments.

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