Psychic actress Noreen Renier turned 85 years old on January 16, 2022. Now a second anniversary has just passed as of February 1st. A blitz in bogus background credentials and exaggerations ruptured across the internet two decades ago this month. That blitz evolved into false claims Noreen Renier has acknowledged are false, but she's kept on her personal and business website for now two decades.
The public website Global Net Research registered in Nobby Beach, Queensland, Australia, updated these concerns last week at . Some of the phrases and material on the Global Net Research website were originally posted by myself on a now discontinued website in 2005 and 2006. Such references are accurately replicated. The January 2022 Global Net Research website posting notes: "Noreen Renier's personal web site has claimed for almost two decades [as of 2022] that she's an “adjunct faculty member” and was given “teaching appointments” for teaching accredited courses at colleges and universities. See
Yet among the many colleges and universities she lists as of January 18, 2022 none agrees that she is sanctioned or ever has been sanctioned as an “adjunct faculty member”. Those disputing her claims of being an "adjunct faculty member" on her public website include the University of Virginia, the University of Florida, the University of Delaware, Rollins College, and every other accredited institution she lists as of January 18, 2022.
And though she briefly over several nights hosted a community 'psychic workshop' using an empty classroom at the University of Virginia it had nothing to do with regular accredited courses. She shared the classroom on a week night when a Boy Scout group and a receipe swapping club were not using it.
In fact GNR investigators found an article published on March 21, 1982 by the Lynchburg, Virginia 'Daily Advance' newspaper that quotes her as saying she was fired from the University of Virginia. One former authentic University of Virginia faculty member recalled that her use of the 'free' classroom at nights was ended because she was falsely claiming to the public that she was a faculty member.
Why after claiming in 1982 that she was fired from the University of Virginia did she later begin claiming she had a teaching appointment at the university and was an "adjunct faculty member"? The Office of Human Resources at Santa Fe Community College [in Gainesville, Florida] also stated she has never been a "adjunct faculty member" as she lists herself on her website. They too have repeatedly asked her to remove the listing from her web site since 2006. Nor has Noreen Renier ever provided even a single college or university where she's actually taught an accredited course or been sanctioned at an accredited college or university as a adjunct faculty member. Thus, every single academic institution she names on her website [as of January 18, 2022} has previously indicated her claims of being an "adjunct faculty member" are untrue or "deceptive" or both.
While on the stand before the federal judge in the Eastern District Court of Tennessee she testified [page 69 of the court transcript] to the following:
Renier: “Fraudulent claims. I would like to know what fraudulent claims I made. Questionable background credentials and current on-going investigations. No one is investigating me for fraud or anything else. . .”
Question from attorney [under cross examination]: . . .You did not make fraudulent claims involving police agencies? That is what the statement says.
Answer: Not to my knowledge, no, sir.
Question: Are you saying that you do not have questionable background credentials?
Answer: No, sir, I have a good background.
[And in a follow-up question:]
Question: Now, Ms. Renier, you have stated that you taught at the University of Virginia? . . .But you are not on the faculty, is that correct?
Answer: I am not an adjunct faculty member, no."
It amazes me (Sherlock = John Merrell) that this has actually now continued for decades. As the Global Net Research posting notes " her own admission and testimony she was instead a 'fired' woman who briefly offered unaccredited nighttime discussions in unused classrooms. Yet more than 30 years after admitting in court she was never an adjunct faculty member at the University of Virginia, and decades after the University of Virginia asked her to halt her claim of being an adjunct faculty member, her January 2022 website continues with the deception that she was a "adjunct faculty member" at the University. has now [been] 40 years since actress Noreen Renier claimed she was fired from the University of Virgina. Of course since she was never actually a faculty member she wasn't really fired. Rather --- though she obviously didn't wish to admit it --- she simpy had her free unused classroom taken away by the University of Virgina. Why? Noreen Renier was literally locked-out of using an empty classroom in the evenings because she wouldn't stop lying that she was an official adjunct faculty member at the University of Virginia. ...The Boy Scouts never claimed their use of the same free evening classroom was a 'Teaching Appointment' from the University nor that they were 'Adjunct Faculty members' [and] as a further example, in a State of Florida court in 1992 she was asked while under oath the following:
Question: You’ve said you teach, as well as work. Where do you teach, ma’am?
Answer: Rollins College.
Question: That’s here in Winter Park?
Answer: Yes, sir.
Question: How long have you been so employed, ma’am?
Answer: Five years.
Question: Do you have a title there?
Answer: I just teach.
Question: Are you a member of the faculty?
Answer: No.
Question: What do you teach?
Answer: ESP.
Question: Is it a course offered by Rollins College?
Answer: It was a course that was involved in the non-credit division."
But upon checking today (February 1, 2022) Noreen Renier's website continues to post a list of "teaching appointments" and the same --- and more --- colleges and universities where she was an adjunct faculty member.
At 85 years old I'd suggest she cleans up her website and posts the truth.
The public website Global Net Research registered in Nobby Beach, Queensland, Australia, updated these concerns last week at . Some of the phrases and material on the Global Net Research website were originally posted by myself on a now discontinued website in 2005 and 2006. Such references are accurately replicated. The January 2022 Global Net Research website posting notes: "Noreen Renier's personal web site has claimed for almost two decades [as of 2022] that she's an “adjunct faculty member” and was given “teaching appointments” for teaching accredited courses at colleges and universities. See
Yet among the many colleges and universities she lists as of January 18, 2022 none agrees that she is sanctioned or ever has been sanctioned as an “adjunct faculty member”. Those disputing her claims of being an "adjunct faculty member" on her public website include the University of Virginia, the University of Florida, the University of Delaware, Rollins College, and every other accredited institution she lists as of January 18, 2022.
And though she briefly over several nights hosted a community 'psychic workshop' using an empty classroom at the University of Virginia it had nothing to do with regular accredited courses. She shared the classroom on a week night when a Boy Scout group and a receipe swapping club were not using it.
In fact GNR investigators found an article published on March 21, 1982 by the Lynchburg, Virginia 'Daily Advance' newspaper that quotes her as saying she was fired from the University of Virginia. One former authentic University of Virginia faculty member recalled that her use of the 'free' classroom at nights was ended because she was falsely claiming to the public that she was a faculty member.
Why after claiming in 1982 that she was fired from the University of Virginia did she later begin claiming she had a teaching appointment at the university and was an "adjunct faculty member"? The Office of Human Resources at Santa Fe Community College [in Gainesville, Florida] also stated she has never been a "adjunct faculty member" as she lists herself on her website. They too have repeatedly asked her to remove the listing from her web site since 2006. Nor has Noreen Renier ever provided even a single college or university where she's actually taught an accredited course or been sanctioned at an accredited college or university as a adjunct faculty member. Thus, every single academic institution she names on her website [as of January 18, 2022} has previously indicated her claims of being an "adjunct faculty member" are untrue or "deceptive" or both.
While on the stand before the federal judge in the Eastern District Court of Tennessee she testified [page 69 of the court transcript] to the following:
Renier: “Fraudulent claims. I would like to know what fraudulent claims I made. Questionable background credentials and current on-going investigations. No one is investigating me for fraud or anything else. . .”
Question from attorney [under cross examination]: . . .You did not make fraudulent claims involving police agencies? That is what the statement says.
Answer: Not to my knowledge, no, sir.
Question: Are you saying that you do not have questionable background credentials?
Answer: No, sir, I have a good background.
[And in a follow-up question:]
Question: Now, Ms. Renier, you have stated that you taught at the University of Virginia? . . .But you are not on the faculty, is that correct?
Answer: I am not an adjunct faculty member, no."
It amazes me (Sherlock = John Merrell) that this has actually now continued for decades. As the Global Net Research posting notes " her own admission and testimony she was instead a 'fired' woman who briefly offered unaccredited nighttime discussions in unused classrooms. Yet more than 30 years after admitting in court she was never an adjunct faculty member at the University of Virginia, and decades after the University of Virginia asked her to halt her claim of being an adjunct faculty member, her January 2022 website continues with the deception that she was a "adjunct faculty member" at the University. has now [been] 40 years since actress Noreen Renier claimed she was fired from the University of Virgina. Of course since she was never actually a faculty member she wasn't really fired. Rather --- though she obviously didn't wish to admit it --- she simpy had her free unused classroom taken away by the University of Virgina. Why? Noreen Renier was literally locked-out of using an empty classroom in the evenings because she wouldn't stop lying that she was an official adjunct faculty member at the University of Virginia. ...The Boy Scouts never claimed their use of the same free evening classroom was a 'Teaching Appointment' from the University nor that they were 'Adjunct Faculty members' [and] as a further example, in a State of Florida court in 1992 she was asked while under oath the following:
Question: You’ve said you teach, as well as work. Where do you teach, ma’am?
Answer: Rollins College.
Question: That’s here in Winter Park?
Answer: Yes, sir.
Question: How long have you been so employed, ma’am?
Answer: Five years.
Question: Do you have a title there?
Answer: I just teach.
Question: Are you a member of the faculty?
Answer: No.
Question: What do you teach?
Answer: ESP.
Question: Is it a course offered by Rollins College?
Answer: It was a course that was involved in the non-credit division."
But upon checking today (February 1, 2022) Noreen Renier's website continues to post a list of "teaching appointments" and the same --- and more --- colleges and universities where she was an adjunct faculty member.
At 85 years old I'd suggest she cleans up her website and posts the truth.
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