mercredi 9 février 2022

Your Friend the Virus

Over in the Conspiracy Theories sub-forum, Childlike Empress made the following post.


Originally Posted by Childlike Empress
There is no "random nature of reality". That's an impression caused by a fundamentalist ideology. But that would be a topic for another thread and I have no intention to discuss it with you, because that would be a waste of time, at least at the moment. Free yourself from your fears. Nature is your friend.

This comment was made regarding COVID-19 conspiracy theories, but it seems to be diverting into territory more appropriate to this sub-forum.

I'm not sure if CE will participate in this discussion, but it seems to me that the belief that "Nature is our friend", and that there is no "random nature of reality" is more in line with common forms of fundamentalism than the opposite view. Without further clarification it's impossible to know if she's claiming that proper noun "Nature" has some agency that is concerned with our well-being. She's made it quite clear that she believes that COVID-19 is a hoax, but she seems here to be arguing that it can't be dangerous because "Nature is our friend". Given the vast losses of life, human and otherwise, throughout recorded, archaeological and geological history caused by natural forces, it seems rather a stretch to assert that we should free ourselves from fear or concern for natural disasters, be they geological, astronomical or biological, in the belief that "Nature is our friend".

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

CE, do you care to clarify what you meant by the above?

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